
Veneers can give your mouth an entire new look, and if you don’t believe us, just look at the stars in Hollywood. More stars than you would suspect have had dental work involving veneers. From Tom Cruise to Katy Perry, veneers have been used to deliver that red carpet smile. Even the classics like David Bowie have had the procedure done, and the most amazing part about all this? While celebrities use veneers to improve their smile, it is not an option limited to the rich and famous. Getting veneers is something almost any dentist can do on pretty much anyone who requests it.


Before we get too far into what the veneer does for your smile, let’s look at what a veneer is. Veneers are a thin porcelain shell that is attached to the front of your teeth. The procedure is relatively simple and painless, yet still have a long lasting effect. While there are other options such as crowns, a veneer is quicker, easier, and gives you more control over how your smile turns out. They can be used to cover discoloration, damaged teeth, and even gaps between teeth.

So how does the procedure work? It will usually take around three appointments to finish the entire procedure. A large portion of this is you working with your dentist to design and create the perfect smile. While your dentist will do the work of attaching them to your teeth, deciding on the appearance is a team effort. This is one of the reasons why it is such a popular option for creating a brighter, more beautiful smile.

Veneers are also low maintenance. At first, you will go through a couple of weeks of adjustment while getting use to your new teeth. To make the transition easier, remember to brush and floss, just like with normal teeth. Your dentist will schedule another appointment to check on how they are forming to your smile. From there, it’s just normal maintenance much like you did with your normal teeth. Brush and floss regular, schedule check-ups with your dentist, and enjoy your new smile.

Are you ready to have a smile like a celebrity? Schedule an appointment with Drs. Costello and Drake to discuss the possibility of getting veneers. We will go over the procedure more in depth, along with show you other options for your mouth. We will make sure you have all the information you need before coming to a final decision. Once you decide on a procedure for your teeth, Drs. Costello and Drake will work with you not just to complete the procedure, but find a way for you to afford it as well. Call now at (386) 673-1611

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