How to Strengthen Your Teeth Naturally

Strengthen teeth naturallyWant To Naturally Strengthen Your Teeth?

As we age, we lose the minerals in our teeth. This may be caused by eating acidic and sugary foods. It can also occur when too much bacteria starts to accumulate in your mouth. There is no real way to get your enamel or bone back One they are gone. This generally results in replacing the tooth entirely.

So how do we strengthen our teeth? Below we will go over some additional information about enamel and options for creating a longer lasting smile.

Tooth Enamel

The enamel on your teeth needs to be strong and healthy in order to protect the inner layers of your teeth from bacteria, acid and tooth decay. Watching your diet can help strengthen your teeth and help prevent against enamel erosion.

Drink More Water

Water is still the preferred beverage of choice by dentists, nutritionists and doctors. It’s naturally sugar-free and helps to remove harmful substances from the body throughout the day.

Additionally, rinsing the mouth out with water may help to reduce demineralization. Especially if you don’t have a toothbrush on hand. This technique may be especially helpful after eating acidic or sugary foods like soda, candy or delicious juices.

While coffee and tea aren’t completely off-limits, they do little to help your teeth. These substances can also be acidic. Most coffee for instance is considered acidic. Adding sugar can make these drinks even worse on your teeth.

Take Your Vitamins

Calcium is easily the most important part of the tooth. This super important mineral is stripped by acids and bacteria over your lifetime. While it’s produced within the teeth naturally, you can replace calcium by eating calcium-rich foods. That’s right, eating calcium-rich foods could counteract the effects of eating sugar.

If your diet is deficient in calcium, talk to your doctor about possible supplementation.

You may also need to talk to a doctor about adding a healthy multivitamin to your diet.

Use Fluoride Toothpaste

We know that its not the same as normal toothpaste but its the best with treating demineralization.

The American Dental Association (ADA) recommends fluoride toothpaste to help with your tooth enamel. In fact, toothpaste won’t get their seal of approval unless it contains fluoride.

Fluoride toothpaste typically prevents tooth decay and can also strengthen your teeth. This helps to prevent them from future mineral loss.

Brush And Floss Correctly

Brushing twice a-day and flossing once each day is a simple and vital way to strengthen your teeth. However, many patient find that they may be brushing too hard.  We recommend asking a professional on what may be best for your type of teeth. We always recommend brushing at a with a soft bristled toothbrush using short and decisive strokes to start.

Don’t forget to brush your tongue. Bacteria loves to linger in places that your toothbrush misses.

Additionally, your saliva produced after brushing can help with demineralization. It contains proteins and minerals that safeguard the enamel on your teeth. Saliva is constantly fighting and washing off the bacteria on your teeth.


If you are looking for any type of dental treatment including fluoride, reach out to us at DDS and Associates or call (386) 673-1611. We will take gentle care of your teeth and help you down the right path to better dental care.

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