Fluoride Treatments – Preventing Cavities & Strengthening Your Teeth

Fluoride TreatmentsPreventing Cavities & Strengthening Teeth With Fluoride Treatments

If you, or a family member, are at risk of developing cavities, a professional fluoride treatment could be in order. Fluoride is a natural mineral and is known for its ability to help build strong teeth and prevents cavities. It has been an essential oral health treatment for decades, helping support healthy tooth enamel and fights the bacteria that harms your teeth and gums.

Cavities occur when bacteria build up on teeth and gums. Over time it begins to form a sticky layer of plaque which produces an acid that erodes teeth and gum tissue. If the plaque breaks down the enamel layer on your teeth, bacteria will eventually infect and harm the nerves and blood at the center of the tooth.

Read on to learn about what to expect during fluoride treatment, the benefits, cost, and its potential side effects.

What to Expect During Dental Fluoride Treatment?

Dentists at Dr.Drake DDS & Associates will provide professional fluoride treatments with a highly concentrated gel, foam, rinse, or varnish. The treatment is traditionally applied by using a brush, tray, swab, or mouth wash. These treatments have a higher concentrations of fluoride then what is available in normal tap water and toothpaste. As for the application, it only requires a few minutes. However, you may be advised to avoid drinking or eating before or after the treatment.  This will allow the fluoride be absorbed into the teeth and gums.

Make sure to give your dentist an entire health history to make sure they choose the right treatment for you.

Benefits of Fluoride Treatments.

Fluoride works by restoring minerals to the surfaces of your teeth where bacteria may have destroyed or removed part of the enamel. It can also help slow or stop the growth of harmful bacteria and prevent cavities. It is beneficial for both children and adults. Studies show that the earlier children are exposed to fluoride the less likely they are to develop cavities.

How Affordable is Fluoride Treatment?

Typically, children are covered for fluoride treatments by insurance policies at Dr.Drake DDS & Associates. On the other hand, Adults will be required to pay for the treatment. It may be in your best interest to ask your dentist on the price before moving into the treatment phase.

Potential Side Effects From This Treatment?

Just like many medications out there, too much fluoride can cause negative effects. Chronic overexposure to fluoride has the potential to harm the bones and teeth in younger children. This is why in most cases children’s toothpastes does not contain fluoride. Too much fluoride can also stain and leave pitting on teeth, cause bone damage, and leave white specks on matured teeth.

Studies show that some patients, when prescribed fluoride supplement pills, have diarrhea, nausea, tiredness, excessive sweating and in rare cases of fluoride toxicity… death.

If you feel uncomfortable with fluoride treatment or might be looking for more information about the subject contact us today.

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