Lifestyle Dental Care

Ever have trouble with deciding which dentist would work best for you and take care of your teeth properly? Here at Atlantic dentist we understand how important it is to take care of your dental health and not to take any chances. There are all sorts of ways that your teeth can lose whitening and get weak, but there are also many things that can be done to reverse that damage.

Some of the things that negatively affect your teeth can be worse than others, the first thing that most people worry about is what affects how clean and white their teeth look. A beautiful smile could capture someone’s eye and make the difference in your look that will make you stand out. Although, there are a lot of things that cause damage to your teeth and ruin a sparkling smile, The things you eat and intake orally are some of the major factors to the health of your teeth, and they are some of the most important contributors.

Foods that are unhealthy in large amounts can weaken teeth over time, as they will be starved of the nutrients they need to rebuild themselves, so eating healthy is a good place to start back on the track to healthy teeth and gums. Food residue in the mouth can also affect teeth whitening and it is best to brush your teeth after you eat even if the food was healthy. Berries are rich with antioxidants so it is not something that you want to cut out completely, but eating them regularly could stain your teeth. Just like popcorn, little food bits of the berries can get stuck in between your teeth so it is smart to brush right after your consume them to keep your smile clean. This is also the same for a lot of drinks and spicy foods.

Taking drugs orally can cause devastating affects on your teeth, some which would be irreversible if it were not for the development of recent technologies and procedures.
There are lots of ways to fix and reverse the damage that has occurred to your oral health. Some of the services offered at atlantic dentist include cosmetic dentistry, which can involve, veneers, whitening, crowns and bridges, Cosmetic dentures and invisalign. If teeth are severely damaged or missing you can even consider dental implants. Our staff can even help with pain management and anxiety relief for those who have lots of trouble getting on top of their dental health.

There are so many things that could happen to your teeth to put them out of commision, here at Atlantic Dentist we have a solution to just about every problem that arises having to do with your teeth. Whether it is stained teeth that need to be cleaned, or physical damage that needs to be fixed. Dr. Drake and Costello have the tools and experience that will make a difference in your oral health.

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