Forgetting to Floss?

For some reason, we find it difficult to floss our teeth regularly. We can brush our teeth at least once or twice a day, but when it comes to flossing we just can’t find the time. We have plenty of excuses as to why we can’t either. From not having time to saying we don’t know how to floss. The truth is that flossing is not just an after thought, or a good idea. It is the other half of proper dental care. What does flossing do exactly?

It helps get food that may have gotten stuck between your teeth loose, making your smile cleaner and healthier. More importantly, it removes plaque from teeth. Flossing helps clean the areas that our toothbrush can’t reach. This helps greatly reduce the risk of gum disease and other mouth based illnesses. It is recommended that you floss twice a day.

So what are these excuses so many people like to make about flossing, and why should they not stop us from flossing?

I Don’t Have Time: You need to make time in your schedule. Find a way to take ten minutes out of your day to floss. It doesn’t have to be the first thing in the morning.

I Don’t Know How to Floss: Flossing is a simple thing to learn. You can google multiple tutorials on the subject. All it involves is getting a length of floss, placing it in each hand and running it between your teeth systematically. The most you floss, the quicker and more effective you will be at it.

Flossing Makes My Gums Bleed: This is actually a sign that you need to floss more. If your gums bleed while flossing, it most likely means you have early signs of gum disease. You need to resume flossing regularly and consider scheduling an appointment with your dentist.

There are more excuses, but these are the main ones used by people in general. If you are one of the people making these same excuses, it is time to break that bad habit and start flossing. If you continue to ignore it, the consequences could take up even more time and money than it does to floss. For more tips and advice, schedule a check-up with Drs Costello and Drake, two experienced Ormond Beach general dentistry practitioners.

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