Transform Your Smile With Dental Crowns

Dental Crowns DentistDental Crowns in Ormond Beach

Healthy teeth and a confident smile can light up a room. However, sometimes teeth are subject to wear, decay, or damage. This affects both their appearance and functionality. This is where dental crowns come into play. They serve as a versatile and effective solution to restore the strength, shape, and aesthetics of compromised teeth.

Understanding Dental Crowns:

Crowns are essential in dentistry and address various issues like decay, pain, or wear. These caps help our patients by preserving the structure of damaged teeth. Acting as shields, they minimize the need for invasive interventions. They are made from materials like porcelain and seamlessly match the color of natural teeth. Dental crowns also help in reshaping and realigning teeth. They also correct issues like misshapen or irregularly sized teeth. In the post-root canal scenario, dental crowns offer crucial protection, reducing the risk of fractures and ensuring healthier, confident smiles.

Functionality of Crowns:

  1. Restoration of Tooth Structure: Our dental crowns are commonly used to repair teeth that have undergone significant decay or damage. Covering the entire visible portion of the tooth, crowns provide a protective layer. This prevents further damage and preserves your tooths structure and strength.
  2. Improvement of Looks: Beyond functionality, dental crowns contribute to the cosmetic aspect of dentistry. A porcelain crown, closely mimics the natural color and translucency of teeth and ensures a seamless look.
  3. Enhancement of Tooth Shape and Alignment: Our dental crowns can be used to correct issues related to tooth shape, size, and alignment. Whether it’s addressing misshapen teeth, or improving the alignment of mildly crooked teeth, crowns offer a versatile solution for achieving a harmonious and balanced smile.
  4. Protection After Root Canal Treatment: If your teeth that have undergone a root canal, they are often more vulnerable to chipping and damage. Placing a crown over a tooth that has undergone a root canal helps protect it from further harm and ensures long-term durability.

The Basics of Dental Crown Procedures:

  1. Examination and Assessment: The dentist examines the affected tooth, assessing its condition and determining if it needs a crown.
  2. Tooth Preparation: The tooth is prepared by removing any decayed or damaged portions and is shaped to accommodate it.
  3. Impression: An impression of your tooth is taken and serves as a model for crafting the custom dental crown.
  4. Temporary Crown (if necessary): Dr. Drake will create a temporary crown to help protect the damaged area while waiting for the permanent crown to be made and shipped.
  5. Crown Placement: Once the permanent crown is ready, it is placed onto the tooth using dental cement to ensure a secure and durable bond.

Dental crowns offer a wonderful solution for both functional and aesthetic concerns. Whether it’s restoring a damaged tooth or enhancing the beauty of your smile, dental crowns play a crucial role in promoting our patients health and confidence. Contact Dr. Drake DDS and Associates of Ormond Beach to explore the best options tailored to your unique needs and preferences.

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