
How Often Should I Replace My Toothbrush


Do I Need to Replace My Toothbrush?

How often do you replace your toothbrush? Every week we throw away old food and replace our beauty products but when it comes to our dental hygiene that doesn’t seem to get as much attention. Here are some important rules and tips you should follow in order to maintain optimal dental hygiene.

Key Information:

  • Proper cleaning and storage of a toothbrush can ensure its longevity.
  • The majority of dental professionals recommend replacing your toothbrush every three to four months. If the bristles look worn or you were recently sick, you should probably change it sooner.

When Do I Change My Toothbrush?

The American Dental Association (ADA) and most dentists, recommend changing your toothbrush throughout the year. Toothbrushes go through normal wear and tear and begin to degrade overtime. This makes them less effective with removing plaque from gums and teeth. Multiple studies have shown that it takes roughly 3 months for the bristles to break down and lose their effectiveness.

Remember that that germs can hide and build up within toothbrush. Typically around its bristles. This makes it highly important to replace your toothbrush after you’ve been sick.

Fungus and bacteria can also develop between or under the bristles if not taken care of properly. After use, make sure you rinse off and dry your toothbrush thoroughly, storing uncovered in an upright position and keeping it away from other used toothbrushes. When traveling, be sure to cover your toothbrush head to protect it and reduce the spread of germs.

What Happens When You Don’t Change Your Toothbrush Enough?

If knowing that bacteria and fungus accumulates on your toothbrush bristles overtime isn’t enough reason to replace your toothbrush more often, there are also a number of other risks and uninviting issues involved with not replacing your toothbrush. A major risk factor includes damaging your gums, as old toothbrushes become less effective with removing plaque from your teeth. This leads to oral problems such as gingivitis. If left untreated, gingivitis can create an infection which may cause teeth to fall out.

Additionally, you could get sick from the overuse of the same toothbrush. You toothbrush can grow mold. You could also potentially ingest unwanted particles if it is stored near a toilet.

What to Look for When Shopping for Dental Products.

During your next visit, make sure to ask your dentist about oral health and recommendations on products you should be purchasing based off your individual needs.

Most dental professionals will suggest toothbrushes with soft bristles. Harder bristles can damage your teeth and gums. So choose a toothbrush head size that touches one or two teeth at a time, consider using mouthwash to further fight plaque and gingivitis, use a toothpaste containing fluoride approved by the ADA, and don’t forget floss!

Additionally, consider investing in an electric toothbrush. These types of toothbrushes have been proven to improve oral health beyond what a manual toothbrush can do. They do a better job of eliminating teeth staining, removing plaque, reducing gingivitis. They’ve also been shown to minimize the amount of plaque on the teeth of people with periodontal disease.

Do your research on what products fit your needs best, and don’t forget to ask your dentist for recommendations.

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