5 Tips for a Comfortable Recovery After Oral Surgery

4 tips to dental recovery

As with most surgical procedures, aftercare after is essential to prevent complications and promote healing following oral surgery. Whether you have recently had a tooth extracted or you are getting a bone graft to prepare for dental implants, it is crucial to both make proper measures to ensure a successful recovery. Below are a few tips to help most patients experience a more comfortable recovery after dental surgeries.

1. Get Plenty of Sleep

Easily one of the quickest ways and most important steps of healing is resting after oral surgery. Make sure to take time off daily routines and avoid strenuous activities for a few days.

By avoiding physically strenuous activities, you avoid potentially disrupting the surgical site. Additionally, resting after surgeries gives your body time to naturally repair itself. When sleeping, keep your head elevated at an angle to lessen pressure on the surgical areas. Doing so helps minimize swelling and reduces pain in your mouth.

2. Stay hydrated

It is very important to stay hydrated after any surgery. Keeping hydrated can help patients prevent issues and recover quicker around where the surgery took place. Water will also keep the mouth clean and help produce saliva. This helps the mouth clean itself better.

Additionally, when it comes to oral surgery, always make sure not to use a straw when drinking water.  This helps prevent the tearing of new stitches and other complications.

3. Maintain A Daily Oral Hygiene

After oral surgery, brushing and flossing your teeth may be a bit uncomfortable. In some cases you, should avoid it for the first day following your procedure. It is critical to prevent infections and help protect your mouth with oral hygiene. If you are unable to brush your teeth, you can simply rinse your mouth with salty water, a few time each day, to help keep your mouth clean.

As your healing progresses, you can brush your teeth with a soft bristled brush. You should try your best to avoid the surgical area in your mouth.

4. Limiting Your Diet

It is crucial to plan and monitor your diet after oral surgery. You need nutritious food to build up your immunity and quicken your recovery. However, eating the wrong foods can aggravate your surgical site and prolong your recovery. After oral surgery, avoid hot foods and drinks and opt for colder foods that are soothing to sore tissue. Most importantly, stick to soft food and liquids that do not require chewing.

5. Medications & Health

After your oral surgery, some dentists might prescribe medications to help with your recovery. These may include antibiotics or pain relievers. Always take the medication according to your dentist’s instructions. This will help ensure you avoid further complications and recover comfortably. If your dentist prescribes antibiotics, make sure to finish your prescribed dose even if you feel better after a few days.

Make sure to watch out for adverse side effects. These may include an uncomfortable swelling around the surgical area. Always inform your doctor about any unpleasant reactions to medications, and always consult with them about potential interactions if you plan to take any other medications.


When recovering from oral surgery, the most important tip is to follow your dentist’s aftercare instructions and attend follow-up appointments as advised. Doing so will help your dentist prevent complications, track your daily healing progress, and facilitate a comfortable recovery.

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