Fear of the Dentist

It is estimated that about 8% of Americans are so afraid of going to the dentist that they refuse to go. About 20% are so afraid that they will only go when completely necessary. Then there are the first time visitors that are simply nervous about going. It is understandable to be a little nervous. Many of us hold some level of nervous feelings when visiting a normal Doctor, and a dentist is just a doctor that specializes on teeth.

So how do you overcome this fear of the dentist? The first step, as is common in many things, is research. Our mind has a tendency to create it’s own reality about a situation. The less we know about it, the more creative freedom our mind has to fill it with terrible things. It was a 1940s writer by the name of H. P. Lovecraft that once observed “The most ancient emotion of mankind is fear, and the strongest fear is fear of the unknown”. Thus the natural way to turn this around is to fill the unknown with fact. Find out about the basic dentist office and the procedures done within them. If you visit a specific Dentist’s website or facebook, you can often times learn more about the dentist.

It can also be helpful not to face the dentist for the first time on your own. Bring a family member or a close friend as an anchor for support in the office. Have them sit with you as the dentist describes the work they will perform. If it will ease you further, ask questions about the instruments and safety procedures used in dentistry. Dentists have experience with clients, and will understand if you need a little help getting comfortable.

You can also rely on friends or family to point you to a well received dentist. If they recommend a dentist to you, chances are that they have used their services before. The fact they are both in good health and recommend the dentist will show it is safe to visit the dentist yourself. Look online at various reviews for a specific dentist so you can see they are safe. It may not remove the nervous feeling, but it can help to lighten the stress of the ordeal to know you are going to be in good hands.

Regardless of the reason behind your fear of the dentist, you should still find a way to make it to the dentist at least once a year. Preferably twice a year for a check-up. After your first visit, you may have some nervousness now and then, but for the most part you should be able to handle the dentist just fine. You only need to keep in mind the dentist is there to help you, not to hurt you. They build their business off satisfied customers, and became a dentist to help people. For people residing in Volusia County general dentistry can be handled with care by the Drs. Costello and Drake. They will walk you through operation, making sure you are as comfortable as possible with the procedure.

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