Getting in the Habit

For many people, we share a memory of our parents coming into our room at night with those dreadful words, “Don’t forget to brush your teeth”. I was in the middle of saving Princess Zelda, surely that was more important than brushing my teeth. I had my priorities set, saving an 8-bit kingdom was far more important than having a weird taste in my mouth. Of course by the time I saved a few more video game kingdoms, got a job, and started paying bills, brushing my teeth became a part of the daily ritual. Luckily for some, they got into this routine as a child. Others were like and eventually fell into it, and some still haven’t gotten into the routine at all. If you are still struggling to get into the brushing routine, maybe it is time to stop rescuing Princesses and start saving your smile.

At first, this can be a little bit difficult. We get into a set morning and night time routine. When we try to change that routine we tend to forget about it after a couple of days. Once you get past the first two weeks, you’re firmly on the road to success.

So how can we get into the habit?

Be Prepared: The first step to starting a regular brushing schedule is to have a toothbrush and toothpaste. Floss is good to have as well. No, that toothbrush you bought three months ago and used once does not count.

Leave a Note: Visual aids are commonly the most helpful way of learning or getting into a routine. Leave a small note on your bathroom mirror saying simply “Brush your Teeth”.

Set Alarms: Similar to a note, but more modern and makes the expensive smart phone in your pocket a little more handy, set an alarm for the morning and night to brush your teeth.

Work with your Spouse: Teamwork can tend to make things easier. Work with your love interest to get yourself into the regular brushing routine If your spouse is already in the routine, then they are already suited to helping you remember.

Brushing your teeth may seem like a chore, but it really just takes about 10 minutes out of your day. Five in the morning and five at night. You will have plenty of time to keep fighting against evil wizards on your days off of work, and your teeth will be all the healthier for it. If you are ready to get your smile back on track, then drop by and visit Drs. Costello and Drake, Ormond and Daytona Beach dentists, for a full check-up. You can get your teeth cleaned for a fresh start on the road to a better smile.