Christmas Candy and Your Teeth

Let’s be honest…when we think of holidays, sure we think of family gatherings, presents, nestled under the tree, and singing Christmas carols with loved ones. But we also think of sugar. That’s right. When the presents are all unwrapped, and the tattered paper has been tossed in a pile, the first thing we reach for is the candy that Santa has stuffed in our Christmas socks. Chocolate-shaped Santas, Reese’s Christmas trees, and marshmallowy treats are just a few of the popular sugary delights that children receive on the holidays.

But did you know that these treats can be harmful to your teeth? The bacteria that collects in our mouths (I know, ew, right?) forms what is known as plaque, and that plaque works against the sugary Christmas candy that children consume, and turns it into acid, which breaks down the protective enamel on their teeth.  What are some of the worst candies for your children’s teeth? Chewy candies such as any caramel or taffy substance are hard on your teeth, because they stick to them and are more difficult to remove. The longer your teeth are exposed to the candy, the more acid buildup you are faced with.

This holiday season, protect your children’s teeth by substituting a few delicious alternatives, such as healthy fruits and vegetables. Now, you may be rolling your mind’s eye at the very thought of telling your child, “Hey, you know that box of chocolate covered cherries you were expecting this year? Well, here are some juicy strawberries instead. Merry Christmas.” The idea isn’t to completely erase the sugary snacks from your child’s diet this Christmas, but rather, integrate a few healthy snacks here and there so that their sugar intake is kept in moderation. Healthy teeth add up to happy smiles, and a very happy holiday!
